Friday, August 21, 2009

Before and after

Every time I feel alone and sorrow..
But then people say I have plenty of fwens that try to make me feel warm..
But too bad for me that they don't understand my feelings.
They dont really know how to make me feel warm actually they are making me feel colder!!
It was 1 day my life changed!
My fwen Ken wrote something on his PM saying that the girl he like is in this picture..
I took a lucky guess and guessed the right one then Ken asked me you want to chat with her?
I was like hmm.. anything..
During that day my life starts to change..
Ken introduced me to my life changer Munn..
Day by day Munn's relationship between her and I grew stronger..
Every time when I feel alone and sad the 1st person I'll look for is Munn..
Every time if there is something to share I'll look 4 Munn..
She's a very sincere and a kind person..
She's like a big sister to me (:
Just recently, this year I think.. I called her JieJie..
She's the best sibling anyone can have!
She said I was very cute when I 1st saw her..
I was like looking into space and mumbling she said.
The actual reason is I was TOO darn happy that I finally met my Kai JieJie!!
I felt that I can't say anything i hoping that this day would last forever..

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