Friday, August 28, 2009

The BIGGEST match this weekend

It's a match between the 2 of the Big Four!
The Champions Manchester United vs. The Young Gunners Arsenal!
Arsenal has some potential treat of the like's of Arshavin, Van Persie, Theo Walcott.
But but wif the lost of adebayor, Kolo Toure, Injured Fabregas, and Banned Eduardo.
But Manchester United have a red army of players charging for arsenal.
Their last meeting ended with a 0-0 draw in Old Trafford where United were crowned Kings of England again for 3 consecutive years.
With Antonio Valencia wif the Wing, It will be a handful for Sagna to handle wif Valencia's Burst of phase.
Last week we saw Owen scored his 1st goal for united, can he do it again? Man. United is always a treat to the big four.
Summer Signings Coming in, Gabriel Obertan still on loan to Bordaex, A.valencia Signing frm Wigan, and Micheal Owen in the free transfer market.

For my prediction Manchester should edge out arsenal 1-0

Thursday, August 27, 2009

tomorrow (:

Yeah! Tonight 12 o'clock I will 100% call you and wish you a happy birthday (:
so remember to stay up and wait til the clock strike's midnight.
before i say anything else HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUNN

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sweet 16

Almost here, Your Sweet 16 is coming close.
On that day your finally officially an adult,
You have your rights to make your own choice,
So today I would like to wish you a Happy Sweet 16 to you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Forever Is Over

Forever is a strong word u must undersatnd it, Forever = Over

Remember what I said

I always say that I will protect you and will be there every time you call for me,
you always think that I am joking,
I am serious! I was serious to you all along,
I said IOVEYOU more than 100 time's and u thought i was playing around with you,
you think I'm crazy,
yes I am crazy with crazy ambitions and dreams,
you never thought that some body is always behind you solving all ur problems for you.
you brighten my dim route,
and got me out off this pain and sorrow,
I told you alot of things but do you listen?
I think so not..

I will never think of it

3 days 2 nights in Langkawi

It was 3 days! Langkawi.. Endless raining!!!
All we did is eat and sleep! but on the 1st day we went to some zoo's of some kind it's quite nice though.. playing with monkeys, and feeding some parrots (: they are so cuteee, afterwards we went to an under water world it's nice.. I love the penguin's the most! They are fat and short just like my cousin brother! There are many more other sea creatures too much i cant remember.. Then we had our leisurely AWFULLL Lunch!!! The food was Sticky and salty! I'm not use to it.. The restaurants name was SIAM! I think they were asking us to leave as fast as we could because they noe they're food is making tourist vomiting! Then we went back to our hotel Sheraton Fancy.. Did u noe they're soup cost's RM90 expensive!! The bill was RM570 wth man!! After that we had our good nights sleep. The 2nd day we were expecting a wonderful day no rain and we were suppose to go out of the island.. Then we went swimming for a moment.. After we came out of the pool u noe wad happened? YAY! It's raining again! Y WOULDN'T IT STOP!!! 3rd day and finale day. guess wad happened? It wasn't raining at all!! not even a drop Y i ask Y Y Y must it be a dry dry weather on the last last last day of this Blardy trip! CRAP! but then i took some retarded photo's.. The funniest thing happened on the last day my sister was dancing like a lunatic on the stairs 4 feet off te ground! She fell down and felt her butt was making a loud sound she made every body around woke up and came out and asking me is it the Japanese Army coming to bomb blast us again? then i said no my sister fell, and they all said cheh~ i was laughing!! it's hilarious i knew i should had recorded her every movement and post the falling part on utube!! HAHA

We had laughs and boring's in Langkawi.
1 more tip..
never try the RM90 soup it's HORRID!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Before and after

Every time I feel alone and sorrow..
But then people say I have plenty of fwens that try to make me feel warm..
But too bad for me that they don't understand my feelings.
They dont really know how to make me feel warm actually they are making me feel colder!!
It was 1 day my life changed!
My fwen Ken wrote something on his PM saying that the girl he like is in this picture..
I took a lucky guess and guessed the right one then Ken asked me you want to chat with her?
I was like hmm.. anything..
During that day my life starts to change..
Ken introduced me to my life changer Munn..
Day by day Munn's relationship between her and I grew stronger..
Every time when I feel alone and sad the 1st person I'll look for is Munn..
Every time if there is something to share I'll look 4 Munn..
She's a very sincere and a kind person..
She's like a big sister to me (:
Just recently, this year I think.. I called her JieJie..
She's the best sibling anyone can have!
She said I was very cute when I 1st saw her..
I was like looking into space and mumbling she said.
The actual reason is I was TOO darn happy that I finally met my Kai JieJie!!
I felt that I can't say anything i hoping that this day would last forever..

Feeling Unknown

Welcome to the life of an unknown..

I'm feel like nobody..
It's like every time I say hi! they will just look at me and don't even say a word..
Sometimes I feel I'm not used in any thing!
Every time I play my favourite sport football..
They don't let me dribble they dont let me shoot all they want me to do is to set the ball for them to score! I know ball setting is my specialty but I cant do all the hardwork but don't take any credit for it!!
I want to be a star I want to be known by the world I don't want to be the one named the Unknown ):

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The top 10 greatest things that ever happened to me

10th. Going to Sri KL and meeting some Awesome friends. Like Jeff, Si Jie, and others
9th. Having a dai lou like Chun Ee (:
8th. Having a sister like Rachel and Chingg~ Rae Forever Lao Shu's (:
7th. Playing Football. Nothing can stop me!
6th. Khe Beng friends Shen Wei and etc.
5th. Eating Sushi in Sushi King xD
4th. Watching Manchester Play against Malaysia I'm delighted!
3rd. Having Grachel as my best friend (: Never forget you!!
2nd. Fang Fang (: Te Amo!!

The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me
is having a kai jiejie like you Munn Munn (: 

I think I saw a ghost!

It was midnight, and everyone was sound asleep. I woke up around 2 in the midnight coz i got a lil' hungry. But then i heard some weird noises and songs i was scared to death! Then I ran up to my to my brothers room. He was sound asleep. I slept on the extra bed underneath his bed. Then i glanced out to the window. I saw a white light flying past the the tree outside. then i hear sounds like knocking and talking the second day. It was after tuision and it was dark outside. I walked around to wait for my brother to fetch me. i waited for like 10 minutes or so then i got pissed and walked back alone. then i saw the white light again flying! I was like shouthing! and i ran in to my house wif my heart nearly poped out!!!! I slept with my mum and dad then i felt abit un safe so i text my pet sister, Munn, she said that i was abit crazy and she asked me not to worry so much. Then I slept. after those 2 days I never seen the white light again. RELIEF!! and the tree outside was chopped down.. because other neighbours was complaining abt the white light it wasn't only me hu saw it the world did. is it true that ghost's assist? I hope not ):