Sunday, September 27, 2009

Days Of The Mongolian and One Nite in Miserable Restaurant

Just A week ago.. I went to Taiyuan China, even though thrs everything thr but the shops close at 9pm some even sht their doors on 7-8pm it's boring during the nite's
We went for horse bac riding and camel riding.. we went to loads of places and most of the time our butt is attached to the bus sit..

We came back frm china (:

We went for my couzins Marriage It was totally awfull, they dont on their Air condition And worst the electric current went out for 2-3 time's wat a wonderful restaurant LOL!
The worst part is the 2 couple had quite a miserable.. Most of their guests gone home.
Sad for them.. Wow how i wish my wedding wont be like that.. xD

But it's a new experience. Erm 1 tip.. If r getting married pls dont go to that restaurant.. If i were them i rather get married in a mamak store than that restaurant er no offence.

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